Think yoga may not be for you?
Prior yoga experience or knowledge is not necessary. And no matter how you feel, you’re never too old, too big or too small, too sick or too inflexible to do yoga. Everyone will bring a unique ‘limitation’ with them to class, yet while each yoga is challenging, the classes are purposefully designed to gradually immerse the new student into the practice over time.
Yoga is a practice. You’ll hear it said over and over in class: “yoga is about form, not depth.” As long as you are attending class regularly, keeping the form of the postures, and working 110%, your depth will improve with time. We do not promote students using the class as a time to show off, judge others, or compete. It is important that you attend each class with an open mind and are ready to work with the suggestions from our instructors. Remember, everyone has good and bad days. Be willing to work with where you are today.
Take as many classes in close succession as possible. Practising yoga on sequential days is perfectly safe and will actually enhance your practice. Unlike many of the other damaging (yet fun!) forms of exercise we’ve come to enjoy in our lives that require time for our bodies to recover, yoga is itself designed to heal your body from the inside out. Of course, you may not feel like coming back the day after your first class… But the best way to progress and see the changes you’re looking for is to come as often as possible. So keep at it!

It’s only yoga! Yes, the discipline of the practice is important and taken very seriously by our staff and instructors (see our studio etiquette & conduct guidelines), but we also understand that if it’s not fun or at least somewhat enjoyable for us, we probably won’t stick with it. Everyone comes to class with a different and unique combination of mental and physical challenges, and we’re all here to grow in and through them.
So, we suggest you learn to laugh: Don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t become too attached to where you are today because yoga is a journey– who knows where you’ll be tomorrow!
Plan to arrive early: Nobody likes to be rushed. Our friendly instructors and staff will need to meet you before class to learn about any injuries or concerns you may have, as well as to give you some last-minute tips and suggestions.
Make time for YOU: The Yoga Garage encourages you to make your yoga time, YOU time. It is an opportunity to leave your cares outside the yoga room – or sweat them out and forget them when you leave. We want you to simply focus on the moment when you’re in the room, changing your life one drop of sweat at a time, so you can leave refreshed and better prepared make ripples of peace in your families and communities.

Rehydrate: One of the most important things your body will need after class is hydration. Hopefully, you came to class well hydrated, but even after up to 90 minutes of sweating and detoxing, your body will need more water.
Get electrolytes: Water is most important, but during the cleansing and detoxing process, you will have lost much of your electrolyte reserve. Avoid soda, coffee, or other sugary and dehydrating drinks, and stick to things like coconut water. If you feel extra depleted, don’t hesitate to add a little sea salt to your food or drinks today. Your body will appreciate it!
Listen to your body: It’s normal to feel just about anything after class. Some days you’ll be energised and others you’ll just want to go to sleep; some days your appetite will seem to all but disappear and others you’ll crave the strangest of things. The important thing to remember is that yoga puts your body in a place to get exactly what it needs. So listen to it! If you need a nap, find a quiet dark place to rest your eyes. If you’re craving that one thing you promised yourself you’d never again eat… It may just be time to indulge yourself, just once more, before you get back to class tomorrow!